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Bottled Poetry



Every bottle tells a story.



From distinctly chosen grapes to unique hand-crafted wine, our selection truly shows what a difference high-quality production can be.

The Wine Shop at Fairchilds Marketplace features the stories of hundreds of the most unique, hard-to-find wines available in New Jersey. These hand-picked vintages are treasures in the marketplace.


Already have something in mind? Let us help you find it.


Come on in and discover what stories are on hand at Fairchilds Marketplace.




Spirits are bottled poetry...



George Bernard Shaw once wrote 'Whiskey is liquid sunshine'


With the surge in popularity of craft spirits it has become as important to find the best spirits available as well as the best value.

At Fairchilds we strive to find new, exotic and value prices for, vodkas, rums, bourbons, cordials and so on.


We hope you can always find that special bottle at our marketplace



Beer is bottled poetry...



The quote 'Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy'  has been attributed to the great Benjamin Franklin, and while there is contention as to whether he in fact said it, the quote stands on its own as a truth.


While the usual suspects are on hand (Bud, Miller, Coors, Corona, etc.), we like to concentrate on the American Craft Beer scene; especially the brews of New Jersey. So many choices at hand, but unlike the big box stores, we do not fill our shelves to take up space or buy excessive quantities to hit a price point. Our inventory is kept small to ensure as quick a turnaround as possible for freshness of product and new facings.




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Fairchilds Marketplace

171 Eagle Rock Avenue

Roseland, NJ, 07068

973~226~0400 ph     973~226~0009 fx



Monday thru Sunday 8am~4pm



© Fairchilds Market

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